Grilling season is right around the corner! It will soon be time to reach for your favorite grilling meats and a refreshing beverage.
Before you settle into the familiar seasonings and rubs, give this one a try; COFFEE RUB!
Blend together finely ground coffee, salt, pepper, brown sugar, paprika, granulated garlic, and granulated onion. Sprinkle on the meat of your choice ten minutes before grilling. The salt will begin to draw liquid out of the meat and mix with the other flavors, including the coffee, to create a glaze that will adhere to the meat during cooking.
This mix of flavors is just the beginning! If you like a little more spice to your meats, add some cayenne powder. Additions of dried herbs would also be welcome.
Turning the rub into a paste is simple with the addition of olive oil.
Don't let this grilling season pass you by without expending your flavor horizons.
'Till Next Time,
"The Curious Roaster"
P.S. If you have ideas for us to explore, shoot an email to!