Every now and then, a new idea or piece of information comes our way and really makes us think.
I was watching "Somebody Feed Phil - Helsinki" and found myself in that exact situation.
Through the years of coffee drinking, I have seen a number of coffee 'additives'. Of course, there are the common; creamers, sugars, sweeteners. There are more specialized flavored syrups for those crafting coffee drinks. I've even seen salt (said to decrease bitterness) and spices, which are common in middle eastern coffees.
However, I was unprepared for the coffee addition I witnessed in this episode.
Bread cheese, to be exact. A cheese that becomes soft and creamy when warm.
So I was on a quest to find this cheese and give it a try. As it turns out, it’s easy to find in stores such as Wegman’s, Whole Foods, or Amazon.
After cutting the cheese into cubes, I dropped them into the bottom of my cup and poured a brew of freshly roasted Nicaraguan.
Within moments, a light sheen appeared on the surface, adding a bit of earthiness to the coffee flavor. Other than that, the cheese had no other effect to the coffee.
Once I reached the bottom, I enjoyed the reward of soft, warm cheese. All in all, a very interesting experience thanks to curiosity.
'Till Next Time,
"The Curious Roaster"
P.S. If you have ideas for us to explore, shoot an email to ask@mistergcoffee.com!